Arsinlian (Supplier of electrical components and industrial automation)

Importer and distributor of low pressure equipment and industrial automation
Supplier of general and industrial lighting products

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Exchange rate

Date 1403/10/05
Dollar: 78,800 Rial
Euro: 82,000 Rial
Dear user;
  • In order to use the facilities of Arsinlian system, membership in the site is required.
  • It is mandatory to fill in all the required information.
  • Enter your information correctly, your user information will be used if you need to be contacted.
  • All your information is considered confidential and will not be disclosed to any person or organization.
  • Your username will be the same as your registered email, and will not change after you sign up.
  • You will be allowed to register from any mobile number / email and IP only once.
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